
Autumn fruit tarts

It's hard to believe autumn has fallen upon us yet again (pun intended - sorry). The changing of seasons is always very exciting for me, as fresh produce I've missed start to appear again in the marketplaces. Right now, the stores are abundant with fall favourites such as plums, figs and passionfruit that  I am just filled with ideas for autumnal desserts!

This morning's market haul includes fresh plums, figs and amazing red "William" pears - all fresh, local and cheap as chips!

I knew straight away that I wanted to make these fruits into tarts because I wanted to display and preserve their beautiful natural colours. So here are what I've managed to bake up this fine Sunday afternoon:

Fresh fig tart with spiced pear 

Red plum tart with hazelnut frangipane

These tarts are super delicious and easy to make! The tartness of the fruits (pun again?! I am on fire!) are balanced well by the fragrant and rich hazelnut frangipane, whilst the crunchiness from the tart base and roasted nuts makes for no lack of textural contrast. I absolutely adore figs - they have a unique flavour and photograph so beautifully. It really is a shame they are not available in New Zealand! 

So without further ado, it's recipe time!

Red Plum Tart with Hazelnut Frangipane

Sweet hazelnut tart base
200 g all-purpose flour
100 g butter - cold, cubed
20 g ground almonds
20 g ground hazelnuts
100 g powdered sugar
1 egg

Sift and combine all the dry ingredients
Add in cubed butter and work into the dry ingredients with fingertips to resemble small crumbs

Add in the egg and work into dry ingredients until half-incorporated.
To achieve a homogenous dough, smear the crumbs onto the counter with the palm of your hand.
Careful not to overwork the dough!

Dough will be very soft, wrap up with a sheet of baking paper, and refrigerate until firm.
When cooled, place onto a floured working surface.

Roll out with a rolling pin and with the help of flour to a thickness of 2-3mm 

Pick up the dough by rolling it up with the rolling pin and place onto a buttered tart ring. 

Press well onto the sides. Make sure the bases are at a right angle.

Cut off excess dough by going over the top of the tart ring with a rolling pin.
Prick holes at the base with a fork. Rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to prevent shrinkage.

Scrunch up a sheet of baking paper as to contour the sides and edges of the tart shell.
Fill with rice and bake at 180 degrees C for 10 minutes. 
Remove rice and paper, bake for another 5 minutes.

Set aside to cool completely

Hazelnut frangipane
60 g butter - cubed at room temperature
60 g caster sugar
40 g ground almonds
20 g ground hazelnuts
1 egg - room temperature
pinch of salt
vanilla essence

Using a hand mixer, cream softened butter and sugar.
Add in the ground almonds, hazelnuts, salt and vanilla and mix again until well combined.
Add in the egg and mix until completely incorporated.

Cut plums into quarters (leave the skin on).

Place almond cream into a piping bag and pipe a spiral onto the base of the cooled tart shell.

Arrange plums on top.

Bake at 170 degrees C for another 15-20 minutes until frangipane is puffed and browned.
Drizzle with honey to glaze and top with roasted walnuts, pistachios and dried flower petals. 
You can also add on cubes of caramelized pear and a good sprinkling of brown sugar!

Fresh Fig Tart with Spiced Pear
-makes 4 tartlets

Spiced pear
1 pear
brown sugar
1/2 a star anise
1 cardamom pod - squashed

Peel the pear and cut into small cubes
Melt a knob of butter in a saucepan and add in the cubed pears
Add in brown sugar, star anise and cardamom pod and sauté until browned 
Lastly add cinnamon to taste
Cool completely

Line buttered tartlet rings with sweet hazelnut tart base. Prick the bases with a fork.
(Click here to see how to line tartlet rings)

Scrunch up a sheet of baking paper as to contour the sides and edges of the tart shell.

Fill with rice and bake at 180 degrees C for 10 minutes. 
Remove paper and rice. Cool completely.
Pipe a spiral of hazelnut frangipane into each tartlet base

Place spiced pear on top.

Bake at 170 degrees C for 10-15 minutes until frangipane is puffed and browned.

Arrange quartered figs on top and drizzle with honey. 
Top with roasted walnuts, pistachios, dried flower petals, and brown sugar!


So there you have it folks. Don't you think it's cool how you can make two different tarts with similar ingredients? :)

And I just love the colour of these plums!

Thanks for reading and happy eating! :)

x Tal


  1. wow talita, looks amazing! yum

  2. Anonymous24.9.12

    You are amazing!!!

  3. gorgeous I love autumn fruits and these recipes not only look tasty but they look beautiful too, I will try making these soon


    Polly x

    1. Cool! Let me know how you go :) feel free to send me some pics too! I'll post them up on the blog :) xx

  4. Anonymous3.10.12

    Talita!!! You continue to inspire me to no end! Love your work! Keep it up! Your plum tart was deeelissh! Could go for another one or three! xx

    1. Nice new blog Steph!!!! :) Will keep dropping off em bakings. xx

  5. Oh beautiful, I love these! The fig tart is particularly spectacular!

  6. Hi Talita!
    I am a new fan of your blog! Absolutely stunning and delicious recipes you have! I cant wait to try and make these (wish me luck) I wanted to know where could i purchase the tartlet pans or rings???? Big fan all the way from Guam!

  7. FoodGeekGraze2.6.15

    the arrangement of the figs on your tart... beyond spectacular. the combination of flavors... stellar. love love love :-)

  8. why is my tart shells hard to roll D:..... when rolling.....moisture is comming out from my dough.... I refrigerate mine for 1 hour...

  9. Anonymous11.4.22

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