
Bavarois aux Trois Chocolats

Let me start today's post by saying that this cake...
is V E R Y tasty.

It is the kind of dessert that serves as a pretty little bow
that ties together a bistro meal neatly..

Le Bavarois aux Trois Chocolats..
is my dream treat.

Its rich chocolate taste is balanced by the light texture of the mousse..
and the shiny chocolate glaze on top serves 
as a self saucing chocolate goodness.

We started with a cocoa-syrup imbibed ladyfinger sponge biscuit at the base,
where it is hidden amidst the dark chocolate creme-anglaise mousse.

But then when your large spoonful grazes the other two layers,
you realize that your taste-buds are also being sparked up by 
white chocolate

Actually, the mousse is so delicious that I got sent off to wash my hands in a scowl 
after the Chef Deguignet caught me licking white chocolate off my finger!
He was undoubtedly mortified!! But I really couldn't help myself...

But thankfully the chef later pardoned by temporary lapse in kitchen hygiene,
and helped me design a decoration for my cake.

It was a good day.
With three types of chocolates in a cake..
I'm not sure how it could've been any better.

x Tal


  1. This is LITERALLY my dream cake. You're killin' me Talita! xx

  2. Anonymous8.4.14

    can you share the recipe please?

  3. Do you share any recipes on this blog or just photos of desserts you did at le Cordon Bleu? What´s the point after all then... the internet is also loaded with beautiful dessert photos and I think we already got by now that you went to the Cordon Bleu

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